About torrie

In loving memory of the best dog in the whole universe

Kirin Marie Ichiban 10/26/05-12/25/2021

Torrie has always loved being involved with animals. Throughout her life she has had cats and dogs, mice, hamsters, frogs, rabbits, tortoises, salamanders, bearded dragons and even a duck. She has worked with dogs for over 13 years and trained thousands of different dogs of all breeds.  

A note from the trainer:

I began working with dogs when I was 18 and became an obedience trainer at Petco at 20. I became a mentor to other trainers for several years before I decided my passion was really dog psychology and understanding why behaviors exist and educating people to bond with their dogs through interpretation of behaviors. For the past 17 years my passion has been animal wellness and psychology. I love working with dogs because dogs love having a job and a human who enjoys guiding them. Humans often don't give canines enough credit to their abilities. Every dog is smart and has the passion to learn, through positive consistent training and learning how to understand your dog, you'll see a voluntary and permanent change in their behavior and understanding.
  Positive reinforcement training does mean that I train with treats and praise and sometimes even toys. This is proven science and used to teach working dogs all over the world. I want to motivate your dog to enjoy working for you. With practice and consistent stimulation you will soon be able to show off your best friends new manners and skills.

I APPLY THE USE OF ETHICALLY BASED TRAINING AND NEVER USE ITEMS SUCH AS PRONG SHOCK OR CHOKE CHAIN. If you're interested in reading about positive force free training and its scientifically proven techniques please visit these links. More info and examples can be found on the products and advice (videos and books) page. 

